for CFOs and Finance teams
Sophisticated Cost Allocation software to transform your cost structure in a digital, intangible world
Enabling the CEO’s key priorities
To support these objectives, CFOs need a number of advanced capabilities. Our Cost Allocation software generates insights that support this out-of-the-box.
Enables Growth
A consumption-based product cost model ensures investments in high growth areas
Enables Technology investments
A single source of truth with a repository of advanced metrics
Enhanced financials
Advanced cost metrics such as unit costs, TCO, fully loaded costs, etc
Critical to Cost Management
Granular, bottom-up analysis of costs
Better Products & Services
Accurate product profitability ensures better investments
Drives efficiency & productivity
Generates bottom-up benchmarks to industry peers
the challenges it solves
The current process to Cost Management is manual & error-prone
"Excel-magic" has its limitations.
Lack of clear understanding of Operating Expenditure
There are significant operational limitations with bottom-up, granular cost data and cost levers - all of which impacts the granularity and transparency of your Operational Expenditure
Struggling to accurately determine profitability of your Business Units and/or Products
While there is a good grasp of profitability at the aggregate organisation-level, due to complex structures there is very limited understanding at the entities or units that make up the organisation.
Struggling to understand returns on your Capital Expenditure
Typical capital investments are made using manual computations on a case-by-case basis using spreadsheets.
However, shared resources such as Technology introduces a substantial layer of complexity across the legal, financial and organisational construct.
Modelling this complexity manually is hugely inconsisten and infalliable.
CostLens delivers on your FY23-24 agenda
Automation of cost insights that drives cost accountability across the organisation
The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of Services drives accountability with Service Owners.
Similarly, the fully loaded costs of Functional Groups drives accountability with Heads of shared Infrastructure Leads such as database lead, Server lead, etc
Automation of complex variance in terms your audience understand
Not only can you compare any two periods; but you can also express this variance in terms of familiar financial ledger dimensions such as cost-centre, legal entities, etc. Additionally, you can express this variance in terms familiar to your audience.
A pre-built Cost Allocation software aligned to industry-standards
An out-of-the-box engine with pre-defined cost algorithms that understands the cost domain - so simply uploaded your data and the system will do the rest.
If you are interested in expressing your costs in terms of Supply and Demand economics, talk to us
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CostLens brings the power of big-data analytics to deliver huge benefits
Generates advanced metrics of complex cost structures
such as Unit Costs of Infrastructure
Consumption-based billing
drives changes to behaviour
~ 80%
typical reductions in manual effort when compared to Excel
Articulate business-led demand
Consumption-driven cost increases drives accountability
Offers transparency of opaque costs
Technology costs expressed in terms the business understands
Drives shared cost accountability
Consumption-based charges drives accountability of cost levers
Surface true BU/ Product profitability
improved product investment decisions
indirect benefits
Transparency offers a sense of control
Transparency alters the cost conversation to a value-focussed one, enabling richer conversations
Improve confidence in investment decisions
Generate accurate metrics for robust, reliable decisions such as TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), Fully loaded costs, Unit Costs
Improves agility
In a world of hyper-turbulence organisations need data-driven insights to take faster decisions
Enables Continuous Cost Optimisation
Drives a cultural shift from treating cost optimisation as a BAU task rather than a one-off activity
Demonstrates the value of shared costs
The value of complex systems can be put in the context of the cost avoided or revenues gained
Lower structural costs by 15% - 20%
Lower the hard-to-crack, non-fungible, structural costs
Our views on trending CFO-related Cost Allocation topics
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