Most enterprises don’t trust their data

Data is key to IT Cost Management.I recently read this article and thought I’d share as its a topic very close to heart.
2 Key findings from this report:
1. Digital transformation is often about speed: accelerating time to market, driving business insights or actions in real time, or delivering personalised customer experiences. However, despite the importance of ensuring speed and trust in data, a mere 11% of respondents consider that their businesses have reached excellence in both speed and integrity.
2. People close to data (eg: operational staff) are less confident in their organisations’ abilities to trust in their own data, with only 31% showing high levels of confidence. By contrast, 46% of respondents at a management level are confident in the ability of their organisations to deliver trusted data at speed.No organisation or Programme can deliver results without the right data foundations.
For full report, pls click below: